Mano D’iShango – Exotysme Vol.2
Artist : Mano D’Ishango
Still available Exotysme Vol.1
Release Date : January 2015
Round 2, part 2, episode 2 Mano D’ishango is building on his « Exotysme » series based on the same principle: rhyming on « Golden Era » inspired beats produced by some of the best north american producers. He drew inspiration from Ohbliv, Afta-1, Iman Omari, as well as Black Milk, Denaun Porter, Elaquent, Karriem Riggins, Kankick and Dilla, who all contributed to this 2nd round.
This project features Jamal Finess, Mano’s partner in the iShango Sound duo. They collaborate on the track « On Mannyè (C’est Dans L’Esprit) », that gives us a flavor of the LP they are recurrently working on. This webtape, just like the previous project, is free. To be streamed, downloaded and shared…but more importantly to be enjoyed!
Tracklist :
1. Bonobo Vs Mic Makak
2. M.A.N.O.D.I.S.H.A.N.G.O.
3. Gwadloup Youth
4. Tout Ou Ni (Suiv)
5. Nou Enmé Sa
6. Exoplanet
7. –
8. IShango Skit
9. On Mannyè (C’est Dans L’Esprit)
10. #Sebazot
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